Notion’s aim is to allow people to engage with and express ideas through all sorts of mediums, as we believe that philosophy should not be restricted to the academic essay. You may therefore want to submit a poem, short story or piece of artwork. Anything goes! No matter your experience or discipline, we hope you contribute.

Notion is primarily the publication for Exeter University PhilSoc and its members are encouraged to lead in the production of work. However, we will also accept guest submissions from students outside the society, as well as from academics. If you are studying at Exeter and wish to contribute while not yet being a PhilSoc member, this is the perfect opportunity to join!

Please also feel free to engage in discussion via the comment section below submissions. If you have a lengthier response, consider formulating it into a response essay and submitting it for publication. The Director will particularly enjoy any academic drama that unfolds…

Submission Details

If you wish to submit a piece of work or discuss a potential piece please contact our Director Freddy Purcell (, or drop by a PhilSoc event where the Director or another committee member will be more than happy to discuss it with you.

Written pieces of all lengths are accepted, but we suggest a minimum of 1,000 words for academic style essays. However, do not be deterred from submitting your idea to the Director as this limit exists only to encourage fully formed essays.

When submitting creative pieces, a short accompanying description of the intent behind the piece is advised.

All written pieces must be submitted either as a pdf or a Word document. For submissions in other mediums please discuss with our Director. Where appropriate, a full list of references or bibliography in either the Harvard or Chicago style is required.

By submitting, you retain copyright of your work, but you license NOTION to publish your work electronically on our website, and physically in printed editions. You also agree to credit NOTION as the original place of publication if your submission is later included anywhere else.