

Dan Mason, A short story -
"Blessed by the High Priests of Syr, who doth proclaim him Rylaeg or “Gods’ Judge” in the common tongue of our more complacent world, he marched at the head of a great host, binding each upstart lord to vassalage."

Poetry No.1

Snow Capped Fell

Dan Mason, A poem. - "Eternity cares little, delicate flower. Look now to your fate: witness! See it. Know it. Embrace it.

What are the implications of sex robots on our future relationships?

Robot love

Cameron Townsley - The aim of this essay is not to show that we are capable of harming sex robots themselves; it is to question why we accept the facilitation of inhumane behaviour, and to argue that this will cause future harm to women. Thus, I argue that if we are going to continue with the development of sex robotics, we will need regulate how consent is programmed.

The Usefulness of Useless Knowledge

Human knowledge

Shaurya Bhave - I feel there is little room left for abstract thinking and useless random knowledge, and the kind of curiosity that allows one to gather the latter: the curiosity that gathers knowledge for its own sake with no other concern for whether it is useful. Sure, in time, the discovered knowledge may transform into something practical and beneficial to society. But we have stopped being blindly curious.

The Multiple Realizability Argument Against Functionalism

Microchip brain

Kane Baker - The title of this essay probably strikes readers who are familiar with philosophy of mind as somewhat curious. The multiple realizability argument against functionalism? In I, I outline the standard multiple realizability argument in the debate between functionalists and identity theorists. In II, I show how this argument can be turned against the functionalist and in III, I deal with some objections.