–Freddy Purcell
Editor’s Note: I Hope you are all having good holidays. Here is a Christmas puzzle to compleTe if you have a Spare moment. The first person to crack the code and Leave the right answer down in the comment section below Will receive inFinite fame and glory, if they desire (we will give you a shout out in the comment section and next puzzle). Good luck!
Every year Santa has to travel 160,000,000 km in only 34 hours to deliver presents to every child in the world. The elves say he is a liar or must have made some dark pact in order to achieve these powers. Santa is the only one that knows that with the combined power of his reindeer friends, his trusty sleigh, and the light of the moon to guide him, he can achieve anYthing. As he travels behind the back of your house, he shouts out a coded message that only a special few can understand…
Rnshj unjX!

CAREFUL! Answer in the comment section below.
“Mince pies” for my KING Freddy Purcell
Congrats on your puzzling… You destroyed ALL of the competition and completed the puzzle 23 minutes after it was announced. Infinite fame and glory is yours